Dear Readers
I am so touched by the overwhelming response and support that some of you are giving me. I struck out on this path on an impulse, rather suddenly. I do not know where I am going, who I am going to see, what is awaiting me along the strange and many roads that I traverse instinctively, following the stars of my fate. Then there you are holding out both your hands in encouragement, looking me in the eyes with so much faith and hope you almost embarrass me for my bold decisions to knock at your private door.
Many of you have asked how you can contribute in this blog. Some of you express the wish to send me money, as if the dollar bill does contain a road map to help me navigate the difficult journey ahead towards authorship. I thank you for your generosity of spirit and monetary. Here is how you can promote my progress. You can jot in your comments under each post, the comment word is "clickable", or email me your comments if you prefer to keep your communication private. Those of you with a Facebook or Tweeter account can share my blog with your friend list, again, the buttons are little gadgets that act upon your "click", like a light switch, click on, click off. For those who definitely insist on sponsoring my blog financially, the DONATE button is for that purpose. Paypal users can make use of this gadget. It's an automated online ATM all by itself, safe and convenient. Just follow the instructions on screen and your money will be safely directed to my coffer. There, it will accumulate in numbers and strength, to launch me forwards to my greatest destiny.
With gratitude,
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